Open Source
A lot of great software is free and open source. It is important to also contribute.
My GitHub repository:
Featured projects from my GitHub repository:

Audio recorder component for Vue.js 3. It enables to record, play and send audio messages to a server.
Related to that is audio-tapir-function, a backend serverless function for sending audio data in an email as attachment.
MMM-Hanzi is a Magic Mirror² module helping with learning Chinese Mandarin. It rotates between Chinese characters (hanzi), their pronunciation (in pinyin) and the translation in English.
MMM-GConnect is a Magic Mirror² module that displays sports data from your Garmin Connect™ account.
A pure C implementation of a blink program for the Arduino Uno.
Blog Stack
This website is made with the great Next.js static site generator and React framework written in JavaScript. The CSS library I use is Tailwind. My contact forms are written in the solid React UI library MUI.
For the burger menu in the mobile version I use react-burger-menu. Furthermore, I use the React hook library @react-hook/media-query. Prismjs formats and highlights the source code I include in many of my articles.
I program the components using the great UI documentation and testing tool Storybook. My favorite linter is ESLint that I also use for this site. The Husky application makes Git hooks easy, I leverage it for my pre-commit process. My end-to-end tests are written using the fantastic Cypress testing framework.
You can view the UI components of this blog on my Storybook site:
All of these software libraries and applications are open source and free to use. Without the contribution of many developers this blog would not be possible.
A big thank you to all!
Most of my articles on this website have an open source Creative Commons International (CC-BY) license.