Miscellany Category


How to Automatically Convert COBOL to Go

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Although COBOL can be considered a legacy language, there are still billions of lines of COBOL in production. Modernizing these systems which are costly to run and maintain is a challenge. One solution to this issue is a COBOL to Go transpiler that I want to present in this article.


Companies Producing Biopolymers for Packaging

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The production of plastics is a major contributor to environmental pollution. But there are alternative ways to produce plastics. Biopolymers are one of them. They are biodegradable and can be used as a replacement for plastics. In this article I want to highlight some companies that produce biopolymers for packaging.


Will VR in Space be Indispensable?

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With the proposed flight to Mars and its exploration, there is a long stay required by the astronauts under claustrophobic conditions. Could Virtual Reality (VR) systems alleviate some stress of long stays in space?


Can Underground Agriculture Solve the World Food Problem?

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Underground agriculture is an emerging field of agriculture that has the potential to help solve a big part of the current ecological crisis. How this can be achieved I want to explain in this article.


Open Property Industry

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The construction industry's value stands at 11 trillion USD worldwide in 2020. It is an important industry, but it is slow to embrace modern technology. How could the property industry become more open?


Five Modern Frontiers

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The Americas were the frontier for European settlers during much of the 15th to 19th century. Today everything seems to be explored and settled. But looking closer, one can identify five modern frontiers that are worth discovering.


Trigonometry Graphs with Octave

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Octave is a free and open source scientific computing platform. It is especially suited for mathematical operations and has a simple mechanism to plot the data. Trigonometry visualizations are especially powerful with Octave.


Underground Cities of Tomorrow

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Modern cities already have parts of their infrastructure underground. Some people live today underground for work or out of necessity. Where are people living inside the earth, and how will the development of underground cities be in the future?