
Deploy Strapi with Docker on Digital Ocean App Platform

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The headless open source content management system (CMS) Strapi can be dockerized and deployed via Docker to the cloud. In this article I want to show how to deploy Strapi to the Digital Ocean App Platform as a Docker container.


How to Automatically Convert COBOL to Go

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Although COBOL can be considered a legacy language, there are still billions of lines of COBOL in production. Modernizing these systems which are costly to run and maintain is a challenge. One solution to this issue is a COBOL to Go transpiler that I want to present in this article.


Integrate Go Library into a JavaScript Webpage with WebAssembly

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With WebAssembly you can integrate different programming languages together. This opens up new possibilities to use great libraries written in one language in another different platform. In this article I want to show how to integrate a Go library for sentence tokenization in a JavaScript webpage.


Query World Factbook with GraphQL

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The World Factbook by the U.S. government contains a plethora of facts of all of the countries of this world. Up until now it was not easy to query and visualize the contained data. The open source project chi-country-facts is a GraphQL API of the World Factbook. I want to present it in this article.


Control ZigBee LED Lights with Go Web App

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Normally, when buying a home light that you want to control electronically, you need to install custom software. But with the ZigBee protocol and the RaspBee II gateway, you can use compatible devices and open source software. In this article I will show you how to add a custom Go API service to the stack.


Catalog of Pure Functions in JavaScript

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Functional programming style in JavaScript has become more popular in recent years. Therefore, it is important to know examples of pure functions that are available to all JavaScript developers. They are the preferred way to use functional programming in JavaScript.


Working Remotely Using Visual Studio Code

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In many circumstances it is convenient to work remotely using Visual Studio Code. There is a fine VS Code extension that allows you to work on a remote machine as if it was your local machine. This is great for things like embedded programming or developing in the cloud. Read here how to do this.


How to Dockerize a Prisma Nest.js Application

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Often people use Nest.js and Prisma together when they program a backend application. Then there is the question of how to deploy the application with Docker. This article shows you how.


React Three Fiber for Displaying a glTF 3D Model

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React Three Fiber is a React wrapper for the Three.js library, facilitating the integration of 3D objects into React applications. It claims similar speed and feature capabilities as Three.js directly. In this article, I show you by using a demo application how to display a glTF model in the browser.


Event Typings of React with TypeScript

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Discover how to enhance your React components with type safety using TypeScript typings for events. Delve into browser events and their role in notifying applications of user or browser-triggered changes. Explore the world of React events and learn how to handle them effectively with TypeScript.


Web Image Formats

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In a digital landscape where visual content reigns supreme, the demand for efficient and high-quality web image formats has never been greater. Discover the secrets behind next-generation formats in the browser that promise to redefine the way we consume and share visual information.


Companies Producing Biopolymers for Packaging

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The production of plastics is a major contributor to environmental pollution. But there are alternative ways to produce plastics. Biopolymers are one of them. They are biodegradable and can be used as a replacement for plastics. In this article I want to highlight some companies that produce biopolymers for packaging.